New SPC Guidance on Appointments to and Jurisdiction of Specialized IP Courts

There have been two documents released recently on specialized IP courts. One is the “Guiding Opinion of the Supreme Peoples Court on on the Work of Choosing Judges Rules for the IP Courts” (Provisional) 知识产权法院法官选任工作指导意见(试行) and the other is the  “Regulation of the SPC on Jurisdiction of Cases of the Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou IP Courts” 《最高人民法院关于北京、上海、广州知识产权法院案件管辖的规定》.

I welcome commentary and analysis on these two.

2 replies »

  1. Dear Professor Cohen,
    (This is not a public comment.) I am Na Chen, the man talked to you after the UCSD event today asking about To steal a book is an elegant offense. I have found the book. I have also found your blog, a very good one. Thank you! I have another question. In your presentation you mentioned the buyers of piracy in China, with data and a chart. I have the impression that you mentioned that the data is from telephone survey, right? Could you tell me the detail about the data source? And may I have a copy of your chart? Yes, I will honor your IPR.
    Many thanks and best wishes!
    Na Chen


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